
Utility Monitoring System

  • Realtime utility monitoring and control
  • Daily aggregates or KPIs and trend over time
  • Analytics and reports for historical data
  • Alerts and alarms

Why Delpheon UMS?

Delpheon UMS provides actionable insights that empowers your team to make informed decisions to improve utility performance.

  • Quick and accurate real time data accessible remotely anywhere anytime
  • Improved decision making with access to real time data and advanced analytics.
  • Monitor all your utilities through a single source of information.
  • Stay ahead of anomalies and breakdowns with easily configurable alerts
  • Easy integration with other software and PLCs.
OEE architecture


Insightful dashboards
Insightful dashboards

Visualise OEE data for improved efficiency

Realtime monitoring
Realtime monitoring

Displaying production data to enable quick action

Realtime alert
Realtime alert

Configure alarms to pre-emptively identify upcoming problems

Trend forecasts
Trend forecasts

Compare forecasts and actual operations to observe variations.

Anomaly detection
Anomaly detection

Detect when operations deviate out of expected upper and lower ranges.

Historical data utilisation
Historical data utilisation

Utilise your historic data through reports and trend views for better decision making

Heat Maps
Heat maps

Visualise a parameter over time intervals with respect to configured ranges.

User roles and controlled access
User roles and controlled access

Create user roles with views and access as per the need of the user for custom experience.